

Christine B.

I was diagnosed with many health problems which put me on opioids for many years. I thought it was ok because the Dr prescribed them. When I lost my Dr I went to my pastor and he told me about tri city recovery. I called the director Mark Mitchell and met him to see what...
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Testimony: Stephanie P.

I started drugs when I was 16 years old. It was a way to cope with childhood trauma, hurt, pain, and a way to fit in at that time. I never dreamed that would be the stronghold that would hold me in bondage for 24 years of my life. I never seen myself as an...
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Eric Barker

Testimony: Eric Barker

I came across TCR and Living Free while I was incarcerated. I started attending Living Free inside the regional jail.
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Testimony: Jamie

I grew up in Church but had let the things of this world overtake my life. Making bad decisions I used marijuana, alcohol, pills and meth. I would do anything to get high. I was nothing but a broken piece of clay but God did not throw me away. On September 2011, I rededicated my...
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Testimony: Vickie

I was raised in church, never made Jesus Christ as my Savior. Got hooked on pot, oxycontin, heroin, crystal meth, cocaine. Went to methadone clinic for 3 yrs. Diagnosed with Hepatitis C, was hooked on the needle for over 15 years. Gave my heart to Jesus, made him Lord of my life. He set me...
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Brittanie H.

Testimony: Brittanie Haynes

I grew up in Church but had let the things of this world overtake my life. Making bad decisions I used marijuana, alcohol, pills and meth. I would do anything to get high. I was nothing but a broken piece of clay but God did not throw me away. On September 2011, I rededicated my...
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Brent H.

Testimony: Brent H.

First and for most I want to thank God for saving me. I became dependent on pain pills and they took over my life. The pills controlled my life and I lost everything. I decided that I had nothing left to live for and tried to take my own life. By God’s grace he spared...
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Testimony: Joseph

At age fourteen I tried marijuana for the first time and at the time I had no idea that I had opened a door that would lead to a life of misery and hopelessness. When marijuana was no longer enough I moved on to cocaine and then to Oxycontin and heroin. I was in and...
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