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Tent Revival

Under the Tent

Many of us have fond memories of old fashioned tent revivals. Those memories were replicated from June 26th – 28th in Bristol, Virginia when more than 200 people gathered under a tent in a field off Interstate 81. It was a blessing to see people from all walks of life and from various denominations gathered with a common purpose ~ to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To have the opportunity to see people make a decision to follow Christ is VERY SPECIAL, and we experienced just that! Individuals who were saved during the TCR Tent Revival, are now enrolled in the Thursday night Living Free program. “Sonny” Wright, Friend of TCR TCR gives honor to long time Living Free member Sonny Wright. Sonny initially participated in the Living Free program at the Abingdon Regional Jail, and was later saved inside the jail. Upon release, Sonny attended the Living...
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Testimony: Jamie

I grew up in Church but had let the things of this world overtake my life. Making bad decisions I used marijuana, alcohol, pills and meth. I would do anything to get high. I was nothing but a broken piece of clay but God did not throw me away. On September 2011, I rededicated my life to God. I could not imagine not being able to go to heaven and see Jesus and hear well done my good and faithful servant. I have been attending small group meetings at Tri-Cities Recovery for support
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Testimony: Vickie

I was raised in church, never made Jesus Christ as my Savior. Got hooked on pot, oxycontin, heroin, crystal meth, cocaine. Went to methadone clinic for 3 yrs. Diagnosed with Hepatitis C, was hooked on the needle for over 15 years. Gave my heart to Jesus, made him Lord of my life. He set me free, filled me with the Holy Spirit. I have been clean for 3 years and 6 months. I am healed of Hepatitis C. God has restored my heath, hope, peace and joy. I have been taking classes with Tri-Cities Recovery for the last 3 years.
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Brittanie H.

Testimony: Brittanie Haynes

I grew up in Church but had let the things of this world overtake my life. Making bad decisions I used marijuana, alcohol, pills and meth. I would do anything to get high. I was nothing but a broken piece of clay but God did not throw me away. On September 2011, I rededicated my life to God. I could not imagine not being able to go to heaven and see Jesus and hear well done my good and faithful servant.I have been attending small group meetings at Tri-Cities Recovery for support
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Brent H.

Testimony: Brent H.

First and for most I want to thank God for saving me. I became dependent on pain pills and they took over my life. The pills controlled my life and I lost everything. I decided that I had nothing left to live for and tried to take my own life. By God’s grace he spared my life. God, my family and tri-cities recovery have helped me to break the chains of dependency. It is amazing what God will do in your life if you only turn your life over to him and allow his works to be done through you.
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Testimony: Joseph

At age fourteen I tried marijuana for the first time and at the time I had no idea that I had opened a door that would lead to a life of misery and hopelessness. When marijuana was no longer enough I moved on to cocaine and then to Oxycontin and heroin. I was in and out of rehabs and mental hospitals for over 10 years. I went to a methadone clinic for a while and was on Suboxone for 2 years and have been prescribed almost every psychiatric drug available. Finally, I ended up strung out on bath salts. I was empty inside and I was on a self-destructive course and all I saw in my future was death, prison, or a psychiatric ward. I knew I was separated from God and that He was the only one who could possibly help me but I was convinced I was too...
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